Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New Mobile

Got myself a new mobile today.
The new Flext tariff on T-mobile.
My phone has cost me a whack over the last few months and O2 have really crap tariffs that don't suit and they don't even match the competitors offers.
So I'm popping it down to the lowest tariff on O2 for the rest of the contract and taking out this.
The new phone is the Nokia N70 and got a free Gps Navigation called Nokia's route 66 for free.
Should be handy for any trips planned at least I won't get lost going to Milton Keynes


Blogger Womble said...

Why on earth would you want to go to Milton Keynes? It's just a load of roundabouts!

4:22 pm  
Blogger Cooldrums said...

Thats why I need the gps nav system duh

4:24 pm  

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