Monday, July 17, 2006

What A Party !

I got to say first off Karen and Ray you guys really know how to through a party.
Happy 40th RAY.
I know you got a shit load of stuff and multiples of everything as always.
The party was ace I have to say a good crowd plenty of booze fantastic food 2 bands, Karaoke, Sumo suits, Curry, more booze more food sing along and fireworks.
Now where to begin with puting the pics on here lol.
Many thanks to Mr Wood for the lift both up and down, poor bloke must have been knackered.
Thanks to Anne and Claire for being there and thanks to Ian for being so very camp lots of pics later, your a laugh a minute Mr Williams.
And Massive thanks to our hosts for putting us up in a hotel inviting us down plying us with booze booze booze and more booze and food food food.
Karen you make a fab brekkie and if your ever thinking of leaving Ray you cook a bacon and egg butty just the way I like em ;-)


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