Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Peak Flow

Well I'm still off ill.

Been doing a little research while I have been off using a peak flow meter to measure my breathing 4 times per day.

Don't know what that is???

Well a peak flow meter is basically a tube with a measurement indicator on it which you blow into to find out your lung capacity.

Now, my readings have been very erratic over the last few days anywhere from about 420 to 500 litres per minute.

So how this shapes up......

Well, as you can see not so good I have the average lung capacity of a girls aged 20 height approx 5'.

A male my height and age should have a flow of around 600-650 litres per min.

The meds do seem to be working I would have to admit, well a little anyway they do make me have mega indigestion and I have been sick because of this.

That's not the worst thing about all this though the worse is I'm bloody bored. Can't do much cause I can't go out, the chill in the air just makes me cough and wheeze and day time telly is SO boring.


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