Monday, July 24, 2006

it's been a while

Hey all yes I know it's been a few days since I blogged last been busy, been away.
Took the opertunity on Thursday to get away and go visit Elaine in Aberdeen.
Spent most of Friday my day off in bed and out for the count.
Once Elaine had finished her half days work and got home we grabbed a bite to eat then off to Crathes Castle.
Really nice unfortunately left it too late in the day to go, got round the castle no problem but the gardens were immense.
Only saw about half of it and didn't take that many pics as I forgot to take spare batteries, doh.
Still we will visit it one day soon I hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not sure about half - dont think you saw a quarter to be honest lol. And really hate to be the bearer of bad news Dave........ but Sue said the place looked even more spectacular a fortnight ago and that the herbacious border had looked stunning :-(

8:53 pm  

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