Monday, January 21, 2008

How Not To Save The Planet .... Even If You Are A Thrifty Farmer

I saw this in the Sun today and had a giggle to myself.
A 77 year Old Fridge Apparently which has a maufacturers stamp showing it was made in 1931.
Mrs Maurenn Mace claims " We're thrifty farmers so whats the point in spending money"
Well let me tell you an energy A rated Fridge freezer uses about 50% less electric energy than one made 10 years ago, provided that the unit still works the same as it did when it was first used.
The average fridge freezer these days cost approx £38 per year to run.
Not sure I would Call that Thrifty.
I think someone should send round the Green brigade to this womans farm and really check out she carbon footprint.
Get a new one you silly mare your killing the planet.


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